
Vertical Damping for the Shipbuilding Industry

Sikafloor® Marine Vertical Damping Solutions

Because noise and structural vibrations come not only from the floor but also from the walls, Sika offers solutions for the application of viscoelastic vertical materials. These solutions include Sikafloor® Marine PK-90 Steel Vertical, with a great capacity for damping, and the Sikafloor® Marine VES 515 Vertical Visco, faster application and without the need to use studbolts.

Application of Sikafloor marine floating floors for vertical damping


Sikafloor® Marine壁面制振ソリューション

騒音と構造振動は床だけでなく壁からも発生するため、Sikaは粘弾性壁面制振ソリューションを提供します。これらのソリューションには、減衰能力に優れたSikafloor®Marine PK-90スチールVertical、より高速な施工が可能なスタッドボルトを使用する必要がないSikafloor®Marine VES515Vertical Viscoがあります。


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